Pay My Membership: [1st July 2024 - 30th June 2025]

Please use this page to pay for your RSCDS Youth Branch membership, or renew expired membership.

Having trouble? Contact (website maintainer) and/or (committee).

As Primary Branch

Those options include both RSCDS and Youth Branch membership.

RSCDS Single £30

age 25-35

RSCDS Joint £50

both age 25-35

* create another account for your joint member and we will update their membership manually

RSCDS Young Adult £25

age 18-24

RSCDS Youth £17

age 12-17

As Secondary Branch

Branch only is for RSCDS members who would like to become a secondary member of the Youth Branch, but retain membership of their primary branch.

Branch supporters will receive the newsletter to keep up to date with the Youth Branch and keep in touch, but are not full members of the branch.

Branch Only £6

age 12-35

Supporter Member £10

age 35+

Supporter Member £15
age 35+

Supporter Member £20
age 35+